How User Experience is Vital For Digital success?
Research shows that 67% of visitors are more likely to purchase from a website if they like the user experience.
What is User Experience (UX)?
In terms of a website, its UX is the experience it offers to everyone that interacts with it. The importance of the user interface is indirectly proportional to the attention span, i.e., as the latter decreases, the former increases.
People use interface and UX interchangeably. The interface has interactive elements, whereas the UX is a holistic view as it covers usability to fun and everything in between. It ponders on the values to add so that the user has no reason to leave the website.
Why is UX Vital for Digital Success?
Need for Faster Fulfilment
A lower attention span and many alternatives motivate the customers to look for fast solutions. This competition pushes businesses to look for a UI/UX design services company in India to get results.
This need for quick fulfilment pushed the need for an excellent user experience. Its absence causes high bounce rates on your web pages. A higher bounce rate tells the search engines that your website isn’t engaging enough for people, which makes it tougher to bring organic traffic in.
Diminished Attention
Let’s revisit an important point for a moment — attention span.
A bad user experience can start as soon as someone clicks your link. If your website takes 5 or more seconds to load content, chances are that you will lose the attention of the visitor. Read more on how website load times affect conversion rates.
Now that you know two of the key reasons UX is important, let us move on to…
How You Can Improve Your UX?
UI (User Interface)
Good UI is your chance at making a decent first impression on your visitors. The logic is simple, if the visitor stays, you have more chances of winning them over with your user experience.
Details like font, size and colour may seem insignificant but go a long way in making your website look good. Tweak your settings and use suggestions to nail the perfect combination. Remember to use colours to their full potential as they can affect the mood of the users. Red can instil urgency (use it for sales or deals) and blue can cultivate trust.
Speed & Usability
Speed and usability go hand in hand. Once you switch to better hosting service and clean your code, your website will load quicker.
Giving too many options on your site also has the opposite effect as users get confused. Your web pages should have a good flow, going from one element to the other and finally onto the CTA (call to action) button. Never sacrifice the usability to barge in aesthetic elements.
Optimized for All Screens
Being confined to the desktop is the worst decision for your website at this age. With the era of smartphones in full swing, a mobile view is crucial for any website.
This lets you reach out to many people on all kinds of devices like desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobiles. The new unified experience means that the customer can start shopping/interacting on one channel and finish on some other, enhancing the ease and overall experience.
Making the right changes will bring more people and studying their behaviour will help you perfect your website.
A good UI/UX design services provider company in India, like Tech9logy Creators, can help you get desired results by making the right UI/UX changes to your website.